Integration FAQ

Integration FAQ

What is integration?
Through integration you are able to transport your collected Leads seamlessly from Scan2Lead into another System of your choice.
We offer 3 ways of integration:
  1. Our app on Make (pro: low-code solution, con: additional contractor) - hosts in Europe
  2. Our app on Zapier (same as Make, different pricing) - hosts in the US
  3. Our in-house API (pro: no additional contractor, con: needs a developer)

How do I connect Scan2Lead with Make or Zapier?
  1. We prepared an illustrated guide for Make and another one for Zapier to show you the main steps to make the integration work.
  2. Make or Zapier fees are not covered by the Scan2Lead Connector License.

What is a connector?
An connector is a part of an communication interface which bridges between an software-service (like Scan2Lead) and an integration platform (like Make or Zapier).

What does API mean?
An API (Application Programming Interfaces) is a set of standardized ways of communications between different software-services.

What can an integration do for me?
An integration automates an data transfer from Scan2Lead to you System (eg. your CRM or mailing service).
The data can be transported live directly after its creation, or get pulled in bulk on scheduled timings.
Depending on the integration platform used, an integration can also speed up your work on getting the data transformed.

Does buying the Scan2Lead Connector license do all the work for me?
In short, no, but don't worry, we already did all the complicated work for you.
To transfer data from one system to another, there's always an custom mapping (which data field needs to go where) involved.
This custom mapping has to be done by you, as only you know how your own specific system works and only you know when there are changes in its structure.
Luckily our 2 integration apps available on Zapier and Make offer thousands of already established software services to connect to.
This gives you the possibility to define, refine and transform how your data makes its way into your system.

Where is my API-Key?
  1. Login to the Scan2Lead Portal.
  2. Open the Connector page and push the button at the top of the page.
  3. Copy the displayed API-Key for later use.

How can I test an Connector?
Download our Scan2Lead app for iOS or Android and activate an Trial-License.
Every Trial account comes with an working Connector-License. You can do unlimited tests with the test tickets available on the Portals startpage after you've logged in (same account as in the app).
Don't forget to order the Connector-License while booking your booth at the event later on.

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